Institute of Human Excellence
Cultural Transformation Tools®

In an age of increasing global and local competition, the ability of an organisation to build a corporate culture that attracts and retains talented people is rapidly emerging as the most important criterion for financial success. “Who you are” and “what you stand for” represent your cultural capital, and companies around the world are increasingly focusing on building their cultural capital. They are attempting to create vision-guided, values-driven organisations that focus on employee fulfilment, customer care and leadership development.

Research shows that the most successful, high performance organisations has a strong alignment between personal and current culture values, and current culture and desired culture values. Cultural alignment and cultural entropy significantly influence employee engagement, and employee engagement significantly influences organisational and financial performance.

Organisations worldwide are using values assessments to:

• Audit organisational and team culture to identify cultural strengths and gaps
• Provide baseline and ongoing measurement of organisational cultural capital
• Design, implement and monitor cultural change programmes
• Develop strategies and plans to attract and retain the best employees
• Increase employee satisfaction, engagement and performance
• Design leadership development programmes
• Coach leaders and provide 360° feedback
• Support leaders in building values-driven organisations

Key attributes of a values-based analysis:

A comprehensive values analysis enables a full cultural diagnostic and values assessments to be undertaken. This involves:

• A customised survey prepared for every organisation
• Form completion taking 15 minutes on the internet or paper
• 2-4 week timescale from initiation to results
• Multi-language options worldwide, currently used in 68 counties with 30 languages   available.

IHE conducts culture audit, values alignment, transformation facilitation and strategic planning. We can support and empower you in undertaking values and cultural journey across all or part of your organisation. IHE also provides accreditation training to certify values assessment specialists and whole system change consultants.

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